Dermal Piercing Explained
Tattoos and body piercing have been around since before biblical times and is a form of body modification. Dermal piercings a.k.a micro dermal piercings have taken body piercing to the next level. It is a small Single-Point Piercing that is embedded or implanted, just under the skin and anchored below the skin surface to keep it in place. It does not have an entry and exit point like traditional piercings.
A dermal punch or a piercing needle is used to insert the piercing jewellery into the skin. The jewellery lies flush on the body part being pierced. Unlike cartilage, belly button or the standard ear piercing, it is more difficult to care for or change since it is embedded in the dermis layer. Click here to know about origins of body modification.
The Procedure
First, the area is sterilized. A dermal punch is used to cut out a small tunnel of skin, or a piercing needle is used to create an L-shaped pouch, using dermal forceps the anchor is placed into the incision. No anaesthetics are needed to do this procedure.
Piercing migration and rejection is a high risk and common in Dermal Piercing. The body defends itself against the “foreign body” by pushing the jewelry closer to the surface. To ensure that your piercing lasts as long as possible, keep it clean and use antibacterial soap. Never touch it without washing your hands first.
Purchase a saline solution and swab it on twice a day with a cotton bud. Add a small drop of Tea Tree Oil onto the cotton bud if the piercing is not on your face.
You can make your own saline solution by using sea salt and boiling water (1/4teaspon salt to one cup). If possible, wear a breathable bandage and wear loose clothing if the piercing is under your clothes.
How to Keep a Dermal Piercing in Place
You can minimize the chances of rejection by following these tips.
- Select an area that has more skin such as your back or thighs. * Use titanium or niobium jewelry rather than stainless steel
- For external piercing use a larger gauge. 16- and 18-gauge work the best.
- Talk to your piercer about the piercing, find out about the depth and the best size of the jewellery.
- Follow all aftercare instructions

What To Do If A Lymph Or A Crust Appears
If a crust begins on the piercing, soak a cotton bud in saline water to soften the small scab until you can remove it with a clean cloth or tissue.
If the area has become badly infected and is pussy and yellow, go to your doctor, But, as soon as you see some redness take action, wash the area more frequently to keep it clean. If red streaks or swelling develops, or if the area is warm, it is a sign of infection. Skin infections get bad, quickly and can lead to potentially life-threatening sepsis. Visit: for more information.
Signs That Your Body Is Rejecting A Piercing
- jewellery has visibly moved from its original place
- jewellery hangs or droops differently
- the skin at the entrance hole becomes, flaky, red or inflamed, almost transparent, or calloused-looking
Should you decide to remove your dermal piercing, it can be done with very little scarring or no scarring. Get a medical practitioner to remove it as there is a chance that the foot has melded to the tissue and it will have to be cut out. It is painful and costly. Do not change the top of your dermal til your piercing is completely healed.
Dermal piercing is relatively safe, but infection, scarring, keloids and implant rejection are just as common as in other piercings.
A Word Of Caution
Body piercing and Dermal piercing can become addictive, so if you like your first piercing the chances are that you just might go for a second piercing. Keep your piercing clean, follow all the instructions and you will not regret having it done, even if you decide you dislike it.