5 Tips For Piercing Your Belly Button
Body modification has become increasingly common and can range from piercings to even more extreme measures such as shaping your teeth. Tattoos and body piercings is a form of art that has been used for cosmetic purposes as well as representations of some memories that people have in their daily lives. For example, birthdays of…

What Is Dermal & Microdermal Piercing?
Dermal Piercing Explained Tattoos and body piercing have been around since before biblical times and is a form of body modification. Dermal piercings a.k.a micro dermal piercings have taken body piercing to the next level. It is a small Single-Point Piercing that is embedded or implanted, just under the skin and anchored below the skin…

Latest styles of lip piercings
Lip piercings are a type of body piercing that penetrates the area surrounding the lip or the lip itself. This piercing can be done in various ways for different styles. Like tattoos and body piercing, lip piercings are done to enhance beauty as well as give someone an edge. Lip piercing is also commonly done to…

The Origins of Body Modification; Tattoos and Piercings
Body modification refers to intentionally altering an individual’s body for non-medical purposes like religious reasons, for rites of passage or religious and beauty purposes. Different types or body moderation started at different times. For thousands of years, some have been in existence while others came to light just recently. Tattoos and body piercing are the…

Things to Know Before you Get a Tattoo
Are you considering getting a tattoo? This is something that crosses the minds of many people throughout their lives. There are different types of tattoos; others have meaning while others act as a symbol of a group. You need to research to know the kind of tattoo that is best for you and what it…